All prices are in Canadian Dollars. (CAD)
At you have 30 days of cancellation. ( as a private person ). It is from the day you received the item at your address and opened the package. If you are in any way dissatisfied with your goods, you have your full right to send it back to us. We credit the entire amount and deposit the money on the card you used to buy. If you wish to take advantage of the cancellation right, you will pay any return costs. The right of withdrawal can only be used if the goods are returned in the same condition and quantity. The right of cancellation therefore lapses if you use the goods in a way which clearly significantly reduces the value of the product. Therefore, the packaging must always be returned in the packaging you received the goods in, so the product does not lose a value.
When ordering a product at, we need your name, address, telephone number, and email address. We use that way to make an invoice and send the item to your address. We only ship the item to the address given in the order. A shipping cost is automatically added to shipping in Europe. And outside Europe. Shortly after your order and payment you will receive per. E-mail and order confirmation with an order number. Do you order your order before PM 6.00 ( Canadian TIME ) on weekdays, we will pack your order the same day and deliver to package submission, after which it will be sent to you. Then you will spend 2-5 days before you have your item. If your delivery has been delayed or failed, due to the fact that it is not, we cannot be held liable, so you should contact UPS or DHL.
Anyway – We are here to help you!
PO BOX 728 Maple Ridge STN Whonnock
Whonnock BC V2W 0C9.
Phone : 16044620127
Payment on takes place through an encrypted payment system, a connection via payment module through Quickpay / Clearhouse. Everything is encrypted. Payment is made with VISA Creditcard, VISA Electron, Eurocard / Mastercard and PayPal. Only check-in cards can be used. The money will be deducted on your card the day we send the item(s).
You are fully responsible for wrapping the item and sending to us. If the product shows signs of use, vandalism or other misunderstood, the buyer’s return will lapse. Prior to return, you must send us an email at or call us to inform you that you return a package to us, as well as your invoice, name and address and telephone number. This facilitates faster expedition.
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